Wednesday, June 26, 2013

You will not believe this


It's that time again! When Mercury turns retrograde the most advantageous use of the energy is to collect and then redirect your thoughts. In this light, the potential for overreaction is high tonight, and feelings aren't really what someone wants to express. Resume the conversation later.


Mercury turns retrograde today, and for all signs, there can be some delays, more red tape to deal with than usual, misunderstandings, and lack of clear messages coming through in general. For you, Aries, this cycle that commences today and runs until July 20th occurs in your home and family sector, where it will stimulate your desire to make contact and communicate with family members, as well as to organize your domestic life. Don't back down from your viewpoint just because everyone doesn't agree with you.
There's an intensity about the day that may cause you to recoil from certain events and conversations, Taurus.What's life without power struggles? You may find that people are harder to handle today, thanks to a new opportunity that is not available to everyone. Fight for what's yours!


You would do well to join the intensity of the day, Gemini. You have the ability to unravel any riddle and find the underlying cause of any dispute.You need to be alone today -- force yourself to make the time. You need to think through some issues that have been bothering you for a while, and there's no time like today for that kind for work.



Today might end up being quite combative, Cancer. There may be people opposing you from all sides. There are apt to be some serious disruptions to your daily routine.Flexibility is key today -- so get ready to contort yourself somewhat! It's a good time to adjust plans and connect with people who may need to hear from you about evolving expectations.


Your flexibility will be tested today, Leo. You may end up twisting and flexing your body to fit the contours of the day. You will find that if you join forces with the powerful movers, you will get quite a bit done and be successful. Your energy feels a bit compressed, but you can still use your big brain to dream up some new ideas.


You may have a hard time figuring out why everyone is so worked up today. Don't waste your time, Virgo. You're better off accepting that things simply are the way they are and allowing other people to have their drama. Your job is to maintain balance


If anyone is capable of dealing with the intense emotional energy of today, it's you, Libra. Other people may be angry and unable to stomach the sensitive issues that may arise.
You're having fun today -- but not too much fun! It's just the right level of shenanigans and business to keep you engaged and interested long after everyone else gets tired.


Stubborn forces may challenge your easygoing nature today. You would do well to tap into this aggressive energy and use it to follow through on some projects that you've left hanging, Scorpio.
It's a good day to show that you can think flexibly -- so make sure that the right people know that you are considering alternatives. Things are looking good, and you may want to move in a new direction.


 Tune into the aggressive energy of today, Sagittarius, and use it to push your intentions forward. Today's emotional intensity will bring you to your knees if you aren't careful. The secret is to harness the energy and use it to your advantage. Your understanding of a difficult problem grows dramatically today as new information comes to light. You may not be able to solve it at once, but you can definitely form a plan to take care of it.


 This is one of those days in which you need to act or else you will be acted upon, Capricorn.You either find a small sum of money somewhere unexpected or get some other, similar boost -- but watch out for hidden strings! They shouldn't be deal-breakers, but they may cause problems in the future. You will find yourself swept up in the thick of things if you aren't careful. Don't get too worried about what other people consider wrong. Have confidence in what you know is right.


 The intense energy of the day is helping you streamline your projects and solidify your thoughts, Aquarius. You look perfect to the right person today -- which could mean a new love, a new job or a new friend is on the way! Your terrific energy helps you take advantage of this amazing opportunity.Today is a great day to bring your mind into focus and get down to the nitty-gritty. Clean up the scraps off your plate and make room for the next gourmet course to be served.


Suddenly your emotions are much more intense, Pisces. You notice that people are on edge and they're likely to go to extremes in all situations.You may not be sure what you want next -- but you've got to ground it in what's most realistic. Things are a bit unsteady, and it's not a good idea for you to rock the boat even more!

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