Sunday, June 16, 2013

We all have our strange hobbies

sure, we like to think that women are little slices of perfection, but guess what? They’re weird. They like weird stuff and do weird things and go to the bathroom together for some reason. Don’t believe us? Here are ten famous women who have unusual quirks and habits.

Angelina Jolie

You kind of have to be a little weird to have as many kids as Angelina Jolie does, but the
foxy actress has a hobby that makes mega-adoption seem normal. Jolie has a serious love for knives and other blades that she picked up while filming Tomb Raider, and apparently when she’s pissed off she throws them at walls. 


Mariah Carey

The R&B singer may well be the laziest woman alive, as she has told the press that she usually sleeps an incredible 15 hours a night. She also likes her bedroom to be very, very moist, running as many as 20 humidifiers at once. Perhaps she’s part bullfrog? I feel worse than ever for Nick Cannon.

                                                      Mila Kunis

When we think about World of Warcraft players, a vivid mental image springs to mind: morbidly obese dudes with sweatpants in ponytails who get so caught up with raiding that they poop in a sock instead of walking to the bathroom. And then there’s Black Swan hottie Mila Kunis, who has been playing the MMORPG for years. Who knew?


Reese Witherspoon
Many beautiful women do weird things because they’re convinced they have some kind of health benefits. One of the nuttiest comes from Reese Witherspoon, who eats only one actual meal a day. To keep full for the rest of her waking hours, she eats baby food right out of the jar.

Jamie-Lynn Sigler
Lots of stars have superstitions about performance, but former Sopranos and Entourage hottie Jamie-Lynn Sigler might have one of the weirdest. When she’s involved in any kind of theatrical production, she refuses to change her underwear in between performances. Good thing we got seats pretty far from the stage!

  Abbey Lee Kershaw
Australian-born model Abbey Lee Kershaw has walked the runway for Halston, Rodarte, Gucci and more. But she’s never taken her deeply weird pet onto the catwalk. Kershaw is notorious in model circles for her pet lizard, Annie Hall. Boasting that a lizard is a model’s perfect pet because you only need to feed them every two weeks, Kershaw has become a fixture in Brooklyn bars with the reptile on her shoulder.

  Cameron Diaz
The sexy Diaz is one of several famous Hollywood celebrities who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which gives her a seriously weird habit. Diaz is obsessed with doorknobs, and before she opens a door she needs to rub a knob…hard. I’m trying not to make a dirty joke about this but it’s very, very difficult. Oh, jeez.

                                        Demi Moore

Have you wondered why Ashton’s ex looks so young even though she’s as old as Dracula? Demi Moore has admitted to using medicinal leeches to cleanse her body of toxins. Starting with a spa visit in Austria, Moore has had the slimy, terrifying invertebrates placed on various locations around her bod to suck on her foxy blood.

Leslie Mann
The wife of Hollywood's king of funny, Judd Apatow, can be expected to have a pretty weird hobby, but you’ll never guess it in a million years. Leslie Mann, soon to be seen alongside Paul Rudd in This Is Forty, has a deep passion for…unicycling. Yes indeed, the lovely blonde is a self-proclaimed master at riding the one-wheeled contrivance. I’m at a loss for words.

Kelly Clarkson
The first American Idol winner admitted to the press that she pees in the shower. I’ve never understood why girls do that. You’re already in a room with a toilet, you can walk to the toilet. Us guys are lucky that we can just stick our crank out through the curtain and piss from a distance, but seriously.

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