Saturday, June 15, 2013

locations to be seen

Some of the most beautiful lakes are located in the most unusual places and are an essential part of the world in which we live. Lakes as gifts beautiful views are important to ecosystems, flora and fauna, water sports and a great example of the gifts of nature. Here are some of the most beautiful lakes on Earth:

Moraine, Canada

Moraine Lake is a real natural phenomenon. Just like its more popular counterpart, Lake Louise, Moraine is a wonderful masterpiece of nature. Incredible, flashing green water of the lake gives its distinctive color. It is due to the snow water from the Rocky Mountains that feed the lake. As global warming melts glaciers, there is a chance that effervescent glow disappears.

Manapuri, New Zealand

New Zealand is home to some of the most beautiful lakes and Manapuri no exception. Of Maori language "manapuri" means "sad heart", and the lake is considered one of the most shining scenery in the South Pacific. Velvet sands surround the waters Manapuri and there are scattered more than 30 small islands. Beautiful snow peaks, deep green waters and breathtaking scenery around the logo are a massive lake.

Tahoe, California

The lake is located on the border of California and Nevada, and its waters are deep 500 meters. Tahoe is the second deepest in Oregon after Crater, which has a depth of about 600 meters. Tahoe is a major landmark in California and one the most beautiful lakes in North America. The snowy peaks of the Sierra mountains surround its sapphire waters. Unfortunately, pollution and human neglect are beginning to influence the waters of the Tagus and now one can see the bottom just 20 meters depth, while in the 60s of XX century square meters were 30.

Lucerne, Switzerland

Switzerland is also known for its abundance of lakes, except with snowy mountains, green valleys and breathtaking panoramic views. Lake Lucerne is considered one of the most beautiful in Switzerland, with its area of 114 square kilometers, surrounded by the Bernese Alps. The lawn to the lake is the place where he created the Swiss Confederation, which in 1991 honored its 700 year anniversary.

Ba-Be, Vietnam

Romantic, strange and mysterious sight Ba-was one of the most unusual - a subtropical forest. Secluded bays and veils of mist over the scattered islands in the lake, which makes it one of the most amazing in the world. Calm emerald waters smooth as a mirror, and from time to time you will see boats filled with visitors who came to see the national park, which is home to some protected species of monkeys.

Lago De Patzcuaro, Mexico

Their neighbors are familiar with the best homemade ice cream, and Lago de Patzcuaro is known for iconic photographs of the local fishermen who fish the lake with big butterfly nets. With these networks, they captured the popular white fish, which is then sold to restaurants. This picturesque area looks almost like out of a storybook with its dense pine forests that surround the shores of the river, which flows into the Lago de Patzcuaro

Konistan Water, England

In the Lake District was the home of the famous poet William Wordsworth, and the area was one of the favorite destinations of many artists, composers and poets. Konistan Water Lake is located in the heart of the British National Park and is one of the many beautiful lakes and scenery in the Lake District. Poems of Wordsworth immortalized green meadows, carpets of flowers, fluffy white clouds and streaked breeze waters that have become synonymous with this beautiful area.

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